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3D Pink Flower


I spent way too many years looking for my worthiness on the outside. The price was my happiness, my safety and my health. I was saying yes, over and over again, when what I really meant was, NO.


Have you ever said yes when your inner voice was begging you to say no?

By avoiding my own truth, I compromised my self-worth. This led to very unhealthy relationships where I allowed myself to fall prey to what someone else believed was best for me.  What was missing for me in those years was self-love, self-awareness and realizing I had inherent self-worth.


I’m going to be honest, this awareness came after lots of tears, living in my darkest shadows and a ton of self-discovery work. Here’s the thing, every minute of darkness was worth it.


Under the limiting beliefs, I learned about true value. Ironically, I am an expert (20 years in the financial world) in building net worth. What was missing, was embracing my inner worth.


What solidified the changes and truly made me grow the most was coaching. I learned how coaching is a powerful tool to transform my beliefs and myself. I decided to stop letting fear control me, and I became a certified Life Designer® coach. I now specialize in helping you up-level your financial worth and your inner worth.


I am a Certified Public Accountant with two decades of experience in the corporate world of finances and taxes.  This work has taught me how to elevate my financial worth by alleviating financial stress and aligning my finances with my long-term goals.


I am driven to help entrepreneurial and passionate women to achieve financial freedom and full-blown inner worthiness.


This is my promise to you: I will listen deeply, hold you accountable and create actionable behaviors to help you uncover and create your highest financial and inner wellbeing.


Are you ready for change? Let’s do this. It’s time to elevate your worth!


Jennifer S. Conroy

Certified Public Accountant

Certified Life Designer© Coach

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